And My Soul Felt It's Worth

 I love Christmas songs.  In particular, I LOVE the old Christmas hymns:  “Silent Night,” “Away in a Manger,” and “O Come Let Us Adore Him” just to name a few.  Whenever I hear those songs, my mind immediately goes back to my mama’s kitchen when I was a young girl.  She would be baking Christmas cookies, my sister and I helping her, and the radio would be playing those Christmas songs of old.Such sweet memories.There’s one song I really love, ”O Holy Night”.  As I hear that song played, or as we sing it in church, I always imagine in my mind what that “holy night” must have looked like:“O holy night!The stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior’s birth!Long lay the world in sin and error piningTill He appeared and the SOUL FELT IT’S WORTH.A thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!Fall on your kneesOh hear the angel voicesO night divine!O night when Christ was born…”Just take a moment and imagine those lyrics with me: a still, quiet night.  Stars shining brightly overhead.  A world filled with darkness, turmoil, and hopelessness.  A baby is born that night in a manger.  All of heaven rejoices.  The Savior of the world has come!And because of our Savior’s birth…our SOULS CAN FEEL THEIR WORTH.Our soul:  our innermost being.  Our emotions, our feelings, who we really are in the depths of our hearts… our soul.God sent His Son Jesus, not only to save this world from our sins but also to save our souls from feeling worthless!!Jesus came to RESTORE WORTH TO OUR SOULS.  He knew what our souls would need.  He knew how the world would strip our souls from worth, value, and purpose.  So He came as a baby on a Christmas morning for our SOULS TO FEEL IT’S WORTH.How does your soul feel?Sad, anxious, worried, doubtful, fearful, hopeless, worthless?God so loved YOU that He sent His Son Jesus, not only to save your soul but to RESTORE YOUR SOUL.To restore your value, your hope, your purpose, your joy… to restore your soul’s worth.He came as a baby… on a dark, starry night… in a manger, FOR YOUR SOUL TO FEEL IT’S WORTH.All the angels rejoiced that Holy Night.I think we have some rejoicing to do too!Merry Christmas!