Just a Reminder


I sure as heck don’t know about you, but sometimes I just need a little reminder. A little reminder that everything’s going to be okay. A little reminder that I’m doing the right thing. Even a little “check engine” reminder from my car to change my oil.

I can get so bogged down with the day-to-day, the mundane, that I just need a little reminder of the bigger picture. There is a purpose. It’s not all for nothing. 

I can get so in my head, unsure of my emotions and struggling to find the words, that I find myself praying prayers like “God, you know.” And boy am I so thankful! Humbled that we have a God that just knows.

Yesterday was one of those days.

And it came from my sweet mom. Loving reminders of all that God has said, promised, and seen from the very beginning. My struggles, my seasons have not been for nothing. 

Through predominantly the Old Testament God is referred to as the “God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” Whether it was Joseph or Moses or God referring to Himself, it serves as a little reminder of all that God did for them. 

Sweet friend, here’s a little reminder for you. God knows. And He has seen and known from the very beginning. He knows your struggles. He knows the season you’re walking through. And it’s not all for nothing. 

What God did for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... He has done and will continue to do for you. 

He’ll show up for you just like He did for them. 

He’ll fulfill every promise just like He did for them. 

He’ll perform miracles just like He did for them. 

He’s with you just like He was for them.

Your fight is not in vain. He sees you right where you are, and He’ll walk with you through it. 

We serve a great God that is still in the business of doing the impossible, still in the business of showing up for us time and time again, still in the business of breathing hope into the hopeless. 

“Lord, you know all my desires and deepest longings.

My tears are liquid words and you can read them all.” Psalm 38:9

He knows.