Against All Odds

I’m not a gambler :) but I love to beat the odds. I love it when I can do something or be something or accomplish something that everyone says cannot be done.

I love it even more when God beats the odds! When our culture, our world, our communities, perhaps even our friends and family say that certain things cannot happen or cannot be accomplished ~ it sets the perfect stage for God to show up and prove them wrong!

Our OSC Opelousas campus is a perfect example of God beating the odds! When everyone told us that a multi-racial church could never happen in Opelousas, LA, GOD BEAT THE ODDS and for the past nine years He has proved the naysayers wrong!

There is also a great example in the Bible with a man named Abraham, along with his wife Sarah, that beat some pretty big odds in their life. God had spoken to Abraham a promise that all future generations would come through his family line (see Genesis 17-18) and that God would create an entire nation from the bloodline of Abraham’s offspring. But there was one problem. Actually, it was a HUGE problem! 

Abraham and Sarah had no children. Sarah was barren and could not have children.

But Abraham and Sarah stood and believed God’s promise to them, and after waiting 25 years for that promise, their son Isaac was born!

I love these verses in Romans that speak about Abraham beating the odds:

“Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed the promise and expected God to fulfill it.” ~ Romans 4:18 (TPT)



Abraham BELIEVED and EXPECTED God to come through for him ~ for God to beat the odds!

Are you in an “AGAINST ALL ODDS” season?

*Are people telling you God’s promise for you will never happen?  Your prayers will never be answered?

*Are the lies of the enemy bombarding you, telling you that God will not come through for you?

*Has discouragement and despair set in as you continue to wait on God?

*Has all your hope been lost in your current season of life?

May these words from God’s Word resonate in your heart today!

“Against all odds, when it looked hopeless, Abraham believed the promise and expected God to fulfill it.” ~ Romans 4:18 (TPT)

Most often times, the bigger God’s promise, the longer the wait ~ but AGAINST ALL ODDS, GOD WILL COME THROUGH FOR YOU and it will be worth the wait!

Even when it seems all hope is LOST ~ you must (like Abraham) BELIEVE and EXPECT God to beat the odds on your behalf!!!!

You have no idea what God is doing at this very moment on your behalf.

You have no idea the legions of angels He has sent to war the prince of darkness on your behalf.

You have no idea what is happening in the spiritual realm, what your natural eyes cannot see, but what God is preparing even now for His promise to come to you at THE RIGHT TIME.

Your job is to BELIEVE and EXPECT. God’s job is to BEAT THE ODDS!


Stand in great faith, believing and expecting that God will beat the odds for you too!