What I know about God
While there are many verses in the Bible that I could call my “favorites", if I were to say what my lifetime verse would be, what I’ve tried to live my life by, what I aspire each day to become, it would be this verse in Jeremiah 9:
“Let not the wise man boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that they UNDERSTAND and KNOW Me.” vs. 23-24
KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING God is an achievement that I’ve spent my life on becoming and will continue to until the day I die. Truth be told, it will be only when we enter heaven and see our Savior face-to-face, that we will have the full understanding of who God really is. But while I’m still on earth, I will aspire to know and understand Him every day of my life.That’s the perspective of how I read God’s word also. To KNOW and UNDERSTAND God’s heart, His character, and His ways. While I certainly don’t claim to know and understand all about our God, there are some things I have come to know over the years.In fact, early one morning while I sat in my living room before the sun had dawned, I felt like the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart, “Write everything down you know about God.” I grabbed my notebook and began to write and write and write. As I read back over what I had written, a divine sense of peace and comfort flooded over my heart. I was facing a lot of uncertainty and questions about a season I was walking through, and as I wrote and read what I had written, it became very clear that the same God I had confidently written about, was the same God who would lead and guide me through the uncertain season before me.Here is the list of what I wrote early that morning:
- God’s ways are higher than my ways.
- His timing is always perfect.
- He sees what we cannot see.
- God will lead us through the valley to test what is in our hearts.
- He will allow us to walk through the fire, but will not allow us to be burned by the fire.
- He graces us more than we ever deserve.
- He blesses us because He loves us.
- His love is unfathomable and we can never escape the depth and the width of God’s love for us.
- His forgiveness pours OVER us so that it can pour OUT of us!
- He is a Good Father and gives good gifts to His children.
- He pursues us so that we can pursue Him.
- He heals the brokenhearted and binds up our wounds.
- He places us in a spiritual family because He knows we so desperately need one.
- He’s prepared a home in heaven for us, to remind us that this earth is not our home.
- God’s Word is life and breathes to my heart and soul.
- His presence never leaves us.
- He is so patient with us as we try desperately to be patient with Him.
- God is faithful to us even when we are not faithful to Him.
- He never leaves us lacking in any way.
- He can still speak peace to the storm that rages in our hearts.
- We are the apple of God’s eye.
- God’s heart breaks when our hearts are broken.
- His promises are right and true.
- When He seems the furthest away, that’s when He’s the closest to us.
- God gives us a dream in our hearts when our dreams seemed to have died.
- He can still resurrect hopes, dreams, and shattered lives.
- God is just and He is kind.
- He can always be trusted.
- He redeems back all that has been lost and stolen from us.
- He sees not who we are now, but who we can be.
- God doesn’t see imperfections, brokenness or sin when He looks at us. He sees us clothed in His righteousness as His own daughters.
- God is good, and loving, and gracious.
- He is not mad at us. He’s deeply in love with us.
I could have kept writing for hours but I stopped, and I read what had just poured out of my heart onto paper. While I never opened my Bible when writing this list, His word came out all over this list of what I know about God.Maybe you find yourself in a season of uncertainty.I think maybe you should write a list of your own, or even read over my list to get you started.What do YOU know about God? What has He proven Himself faithful in your life? What do you love most about God?As you begin to write, I pray that you sense the peace and presence of the Holy Spirit assuring you, just as He assured me: that God is with you, He is for you, He will never leave you, He is ahead of you on this journey, preparing even now the path you are to walk, and He loves you more than you can ever imagine!Happy writing!