The Best Day Ever

August 4, 2019.  

A day we prayed for.  Believed for. Cried for. Longed for. 

A day we hoped and labored for almost a decade.  A day we saw in our hearts, long before we saw it with our eyes.

The day a miracle came to pass.  The day God’s promise was fulfilled. The day we welcomed thousands of people “HOME”.

A day where hundreds gave their lives to Jesus and made Him Lord and Savior.

Adults cried.  Children laughed.  And Eugene and I were completely overwhelmed with the GOODNESS and FAITHFULNESS of our Great God!

A day marking the end of a long, difficult season.

A day representing the beginning of a brand-new season.

That day the winds shifted.  For years, the wind had been in our faces, making the journey all the more difficult.  But that day, the winds shifted to our backs allowing our journey to become joyful and refreshing and moving forward became so much easier.

The day that our community saw with their very own eyes, and felt deeply in their own hearts, the extravagant love that God had for them and their city. The day where ALL people came together into the house of God, making us ALL brothers and sisters, regardless of age, race or background.  The day where ALL people worshipped the same Great, Loving, Gracious, and Faithful God.

A day when I felt God smiling…..on a people and on a city.
A day that thousands stood in awe at the long-awaited promise of God.

A day that made each one of SO proud to be a part of what God longs to do in Opelousas and St. Landry Parish.

A day that I will never forget as long as I live.

A day that was “exceedingly, abundantly above all that we could think or ask”.

A day that was indeed THE. BEST. DAY. EVER!

“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think, to Him be the glory to all generations, forever and forever. Amen!”  (Eph. 3: 20-21)

(Enjoy some pics from our 1st Sunday in our new building.  THANK YOU to all who have stood with us, encouraged us, and prayed with us for this day to come.  Praying for a brand-new season in your life too!)

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