Hey Girls!

I’m so glad you stopped by! Whether you’re a mom, a single girl, a married girl, or just a girl looking to strengthen your relationship with God, I know that your time is valuable!

I pray that this website is a place where you can push “pause” from the busyness of life ~ if just for a moment ~ and be encouraged in a way that will help you KNOW and UNDERSTAND God (Jer. 9:24) just a little more!

My prayer is also that you would share what you learn here with those special women in your life. All of us are searching for God, His love, and His grace in some way, and hopefully, you’ll light up another woman’s life with that same love and grace!

I’m so excited for us to walk this journey together!



Check out the latest episode of Would Someone Please Tell Me What To Do?!


You Hold me together

He is in this, and ahead of this, and holding the entire world in His hands.

On those days that seems so hard to hold it together, remember GOD IS WITH YOU!